A labyrinth is a physical pattern with purpose, an ancient tool that speaks to a hidden part of us. The labyrinth represents our passage through time and experience. its many turns reflect the journeys of life, which involves change and transition, rites of passage, and cycles of nature. The labyrinth has a single path that leads unerringly to the center and leads us back out again.
Labyrinths offer a chance to take "time out" from our busy lives, to leave schedules and stress behind. Walking a labyrinth is a gift we give ourselves, leading to discovery, insight, peacefulness, happiness, connectedness, and wellbeing. Thinking is not required to walk a labyrinth, yet at the same time, one must remain alert to stay on the path. This combination of reduced mental activity and heightened awareness makes the labyrinth, yet at the same time, one must remain alert to stay on the path. This combination of reduced mental activity and heightened awareness makes the labyrinth ideal for walking meditation or prayer. The turns of the labyrinth are though to balance the two hemispheres of the brain, resulting in physical and emotional healing. Labyrinths have been used for many ceremonial purposes including weddings, birthdays and coming of age celebrations. As reaching the center is assured, walking the labyrinth is more about the Journey than the destination, about being, rather than doing, integrating body and mind, psyche and spirit into one harmonious whole.
The Langetree DUCKFARM Retreat and Eco Center labyrinth is a classic Charters style labyrinth with eleven circuits or "paths". It is constructed of "bricks and grass" and is roughly one mile from beginning to end, allowing you time to center yourself within. We invite you to experience our labyrinth for yourself. It is open to the public to come and walk.
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Built With Love